Grant Us Success

Government Advisory Services

Grantus is a trusted regional advisor in strategic investment, leadership, governance, project planning and stakeholder engagement that delivers strong social, economic, and environmental outcomes.

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Get 40+ funding programs for women, in honour of International Women’s Day.

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At Grantus, we specialise in building capacity. Grantus partners with regional and rural local councils, water corporations, other government agencies and not-for-profits to navigate challenges and empower your people to achieve their goals.

For organisations confronted by complex policy and operational environments, Grantus offers unparalleled expertise and a proven commitment to achieving sustainable, long-term success. Our dedication to stakeholder trust and engagement ensures that every decision is informed, inclusive, and impactful.

Plus, our grant management services mean that you have an end-to-end partner, who can also help you find, secure and deliver leveraged funding for greater community impact.


Our latest case studies, tips and winning examples.

Grantus Blog - Celebrating Success

Celebrating Success

As the year comes to a close, we’re thrilled to share some fantastic news! Grantus has successfully secured three grants—one for Yarriambiack Shire and two for West Wimmera Shire—through the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing Engage! and FReeZA programs.

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