Fallen Tree

Core Services

Strategy, governance and projects.

Facilitation and stakeholder engagement.

Funding – tenders, grants and advocacy.

With strong public sector and governance experience, Grantus helps clients strategically navigate complex policy and operating environments to deliver meaningful long-term outcomes.

We understand that good outcomes start with proper engagement and gaining the trust of your stakeholders. Grantus successfully works with bureaucrats, community groups and individuals to listen, interpret, and incorporate diverse views, and that makes for good decisions.

Central to any successful initiative or program is having sufficient funds. Grantus has been helping its clients search, write and manage successful funds since 2007, delivering incredible social, environmental and economic outcomes.

With strong public sector and governance experience, Grantus helps clients strategically navigate complex policy and operating environments to deliver meaningful long-term outcomes.

We understand that good outcomes start with proper engagement and gaining the trust of your stakeholders. Grantus successfully works with bureaucrats, community groups and individuals to listen, interpret, and incorporate diverse views, and that makes for good decisions.

Central to any successful initiative or program is having sufficient funds. Grantus has been helping its clients search, write and manage successful funds since 2007, delivering incredible social, environmental and economic outcomes.

With strong public sector and governance experience, Grantus helps clients strategically navigate complex policy and operating environments to deliver meaningful long-term outcomes.

We understand that good outcomes start with proper engagement and gaining the trust of your stakeholders. Grantus successfully works with bureaucrats, community groups and individuals to listen, interpret, and incorporate diverse views, and that makes for good decisions.

Central to any successful initiative or program is having sufficient funds. Grantus has been helping its clients search, write and manage successful funds since 2007, delivering incredible social, environmental and economic outcomes.


  • Strategy development for long-term water supply infrastructure

  • Strategic planning approach for funding to review, modernise and determine the future of a key service offering

  • Creation of a strategy for purchasing additional land for biosolids airdrying



  • Business case development and rewriting internal documents for government approval
  • Seconded project manager for complex water and sewer related project


  • Running public campaigns for purchasing land, and engaging with landowners
  • Facilitating strategic and operational workshops
  • Facilitating a cross functional team workshop to streamline and improve services
  • Community engagement for further use of recycled water


  • $175k climate resilience and energy security
  • $3.8M Recycled water infrastructure for agriculture
  • $400k Strategic planning for modernisation of services and assets


Advising on renewable energy transition initiatives



Ballarat Energy Network – social licence opportunity in the renewable energy industry funding submission


Course development for a Masters degree


Review of risk register in preparation of an audit



Preparation and presentation to project steering committee and community advocates on an infrastructure proposal



$375K grant writing for integrated water management feasibility study


Successful in receiving funding to reduce energy use, climate emissions and renovate amenities to cater for the disadvantaged


Subscription to search and write all their grants to benefit young people (successful in $156K)


  • Strategic advisor to Managing Director on a major water efficiency project
  • Established governance requirements for major infrastructure project
  • Updated water strategy and plans to meet changing legislation



Business case development for various water and sewer related projects



  • Client representative for state government liaison on a major infrastructure project
  • Executive workshops, board presentations and staff facilitation on various projects



$34M Project managing and writing the successful business case


Business case development for new water and sewerage scheme


  • Major construction stakeholder and engagement strategies
  • Auditing of the communication and engagement practices on major infrastructure projects


Land access negotiations with farmers for transmission lines


Strategic renewable energy transition advice



Project consulting scope for Value Add Agricultural initiative


In-depth interviews with local businesses, industry bodies and regulators to assist in perceptions of renewable energy and the transition


Providing grant writing services as a panel provider to support local businesses submitting grants


Grant writing services


Creation of an advocacy strategy and plan seeking government investment



Workshops, advocacy and landholder support for regional wide infrastructure

Social Procurement

  • Support successful social procurement tenders for major renewable energy project $300M
  • Support successful social procurement tender for bus company contract $10M


Creation of an advocacy strategy and plan seeking government investment



Workshops, advocacy and landholder support for regional wide infrastructure
