Provide a holistic, end-to-end service to fund your organisation or project, including grant search, grant writing, grant management
Identify relevant tenders, submit tenders on your behalf, and manage the entire procurement process
Funding & Tenders micro case studies
Lower Murray Water
Grantus worked with Lower Murray Water on a major water efficiency business case, over two years, from concept through to funding. Lower Murray Water was awarded $38 million, with no financial contribution required by the client. This hugely successful outcome meant a massive saving on future investment to replace significant ageing assets and save significant amounts of water for environmental and cultural benefits.
Grampians Getaway – tourism operator
Northern Grampians Shire, through its business concierge service, funded Grantus to support Grampians Getaway, a large business in the shire. Grantus has supported Grampians Getaway several times in securing funding to upgrade amenities blocks, install renewable energy, and develop a master plan for a $20 million+ wellness retreat.
Grantus secured a $375,000 grant for an integrated water management feasibility study. The funding allows GWMWater to investigate the possibility of extending its water supply network, drought-proofing communities, and supporting a challenging viticultural industry. The application addressed social, environmental, and economic benefits, and if funded, it will offer significant long-term benefits to these communities.
Engage Grantus for grants and tenders if you:
Want to engage a trusted partner with a proven track record of identifying, writing and successfully winning grant and tenders
Are keen to explore a more strategic and proven approach to funding options for your project, plan or vision, now and into the future.
Want to develop a funding framework and build internal capacity to manage this ongoing.